Thursday, October 11, 2012

Week 23 : 27 July to 2 Aug 2012 -- Isisford to Home

Since arriving at Isisford on Wednesday, we had been thoroughly enjoying the spot. The weather was great with nice warm days and cold, clear nights that got down to about 4 degrees. Vic had only approved of staying for a few days because the TV reception was good, which allowed her to watch the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony and the subsequent competitions. Happy wife… happy life!

Our great stay here was topped off on Saturday when I heard the rumbling of a Jeep v8 coming down the track. To our surprise, it was Shane and Ally. They had taken a couple of days off and had been camping near Emmet, about 50 klms from Isisford. They’d heard how good this spot was and decided to check it out on their way back to Longreach. They stayed and had morning tea with us before we said our goodbyes again.

On our last night on the banks of the Barcoo, we had a combined dinner with this band of 10, a fantastic meal of Grunter fillets. The fish had been caught in Karumba by one of the group, and we were all grateful that he was happy to share his catch.

The 4 days and nights here had been the best test of the caravan’s power system that we’d given it. When we free camp, the battery in the van powers the water pump, lights and the stereo, while the hot water, frig and stove are all gas powered. The battery also provides power, via the invertor, to recharge the computer and camera batteries, as well as watch TV. The system had worked impeccably and still had power available after 4 days… testament to the great work done by Jared at Battery World Enoggera. For sales or fantastic service and advice, contact them on their web site at

Sitting on the Black Stump, Blackall
Jackie Howe Memorial
We got away at 11am on Sunday and took it carefully to Blackall because we had heard horror stories about the violent grids that are spread over this section of highway. After the 90 minute trip, we set up camp at the Barcoo River Camp Area (#684 in Camps 5) on the edge of town and put our $5 into the honesty box. We then took a drive around town and saw the Black Stump, the Jackie Howe Memorial and an old servo I’d seen photos of in a caravan magazine, before heading out to the Blackall Wool Scour. This is the only steam driven wool scour still operational of the 52 that once worked across Australia.
Barcoo River Camp Area
That evening, Vic and I went to the Blackall Caravan Park to see country music singer/songwriter, Graham Rodger 
Graham in action
(, who performs here each night throughout the winter season. After his show, for $20 each, you can enjoy a camp oven roast dinner followed by damper and maple syrup with billy tea. Our main reason for being here was to catch up with Graham, who Vic and I had both worked with 30 years ago. It was great to catch up with him after all this time and he was so surprised and happy to see us. We hope to catch up with him again but not in 30 years time...

The next day the head wind returned and we battled it all the way to Charleville via Tambo and Augathella. After a quick cuppa in Tambo we headed for Augathella where we "thought" we'd grab a local pie for lunch. Not a pie in sight, actually not a person in sight :(. Augathella is the home to the Bull Ant, or so they say, and where the Smiley stories were written. Some of you more mature travellers will recall Chips Raffety in Smiley, an original Australian classic movie.
Downtown Augathella
Meat Ant sculpture 
Why a meat ant? Augathella's football team was known as the mighty Augathella Meat Ants and were fearless in their attack against their opponents. This then earned the town the nickname...Meat Ant Country".
Our camp site in Charleville - fabulous spot
Heaps of room and fabulous amenities and managers
We booked into the Charleville Bush Camp which is a fantastic park 2 klms west of town. This is a new park that operates from April to October and pets, children, and smokers are not permitted here. It’s a fantastic area with large sites capable of taking the biggest motorhomes or fifth wheelers, spotlessly clean unisex amenities, lots of shade, a book exchange and a great fire pit where everybody tends to gather from 4.30 each afternoon to share stories and experiences.

Overnight the temperature dropped to -1 outside (3 degrees in the van) and it dawned a beautiful day. 

At 9am, we met at the office to join others for a bus tour, and over the next 2 hours, we visited Charleville’s historical sites, points of interest and saw the steps being taken to mitigate future flooding of the town. The tour is run by the park manager and the $10 cost was extremely good value.

Levee bank gates
Levee bank
Photo of Charleville during the 2010 flood
In the afternoon, Caroline, the manager’s wife, showed us around the property, which was originally the Charleville Race Track in the 1930’s before becoming a piggery. The old tote office is still there as is the old slaughter house and rusting equipment fills an old shed. One of the old buildings has been renovated and makes a comfortable little cabin to stay in. The equipment is outstanding, but the photo opportunities here speak for themselves.....

Some of the hundreds of horse shoes found on the property (and no Rod didn't get to keep one)

Is this where bottled water comes from? 

After a sluggish start in the morning, we had a slow trip along the Warrego Highway through Morven and onto Mitchell. The whoop-de-doos were a curse again and caused a bit of bother inside the van with the pantry shelves coming loose. We had lunch opposite the Muckadilla Hotel and then continued onto Roma where we had a stroll around to stretch our legs.
Our daughter is famous in Roma - apparently
she has a music shop
 At 5.30, we rolled into Miles and set up for the night in the park beside Dogwood Creek. When we arrived we did as we all do, one inside and one outside, only to hear this noise coming toward us. Eleven ducks came right up to our van door to greet us. Then just as quickly as they came they turned around and off they went again. It was amazing. 

Our welcome committee
It quickly became cold so we lit a campfire before having dinner outside and watching the moon rise on our last night on the road, for an unknown time. Vic and I were both extremely tired so retired to the van early and snuggled into a nice warm bed, thanks to the hot water bottles. 
Our Miles campsite 
There is nothing like an open campfire to get you warm
On Wednesday 2nd August, we were up early and broke camp not long after. It is imperative, when you pass through Chinchilla, to stop at the Tourist Information Centre and meet the ladies that run the place. They serve the best Devonshire tea you’ll get, for $5, and the outside deck is a great place to enjoy it.

From there we moved onto Toowoomba for lunch and arrived at our son and daughter-in-law’s home, back in Brisbane, at 4.30pm.

We were met at the door by our heavily pregnant daughter-in-law who had been in labour since the night before. We’d left Darwin on the 18th July, travelled 3781 klms, stayed 2 nights in Longreach, 4 nights at Isisford, 2 nights at Charleville plus lots of over night stops, spent $1377.33 on fuel, tried to take my time while Vic tried to get me moving and arrived safely back where we started this amazing trip (or Part A of our Around Australia Trip Number 1.

Our timing was perfect… at 5.30am on the morning after we got back, our beautiful little grandson arrived.

Welcome to the world Lakyn Thomas Maden!! Nanny & Poppy can't wait to take you camping.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Week 22 : 20 July to 26 July 2012 -- Bullwaddy to Isisford

We stayed overnight at Bullwaddy Rest Area along the Capricorn Highway headed for Cape Crawford. It was a lovely quiet night with very little traffic and got down to about 12 deg.
Bullwaddy Rest Area
Back under the van :(
I previously mentioned a problem with the water pump on the caravan and in the morning, I spent a fair bit of time checking the entire water system for leaks. After finding none, through desperation, I decided to see how much water the tanks would take, even though the gauges were reading full. The two 60 litre tanks took 120 litres so it would appear I don’t have a problem with the pump, but rather the gauge… go figure!
Back on the open road
When we arrived the afternoon before, I was annoyed by the amount of rubbish lying around and cursed the previous campers for their inconsideration. Before seeing to the water tanks in the morning, I was picking up some rubbish and got talking to a fellow who was doing the same, and it turned out he was a contractor that travels this way every 3 weeks to empty the bins and clean up the rest areas. He assured me that campers were not to blame for the mess it’s the crows that pick rubbish out of the bins.

We left there at 9.40 and continued east, checking out Goanna Creek Rest Area (#15 in Camps 5) on the way. This isn’t a bad spot, on a hill and with good views, but quite small. About 10 klms before Cape Crawford is Little River Rest Area (#14 in Camps 5), and this is a really nice spot on the banks of the McArthur River. I had hoped to camp here for a couple of days but there were already a number of caravans and a fifth wheeler set up parallel to the river, leaving little room for anyone else to see the water.

I cannot for the life of me, work out why Cape Crawford is so named. It’s in the middle of nowhere, not on the river and miles from the coast. It’s merely a pub on a road junction selling fuel (or a servo selling grog… not sure which!) with a shady grass area behind called a caravan park. We topped up the fuel tanks again (185c / litre) and grabbed a lemonade ice block (at $4 each) before turning south toward Barkly Roadhouse.

We had lunch at the Kiana Turnoff Rest Area, 107 klms from Cape Crawford. After turning south, the road became shocking and at times, we travelled at 60 kph in an effort to save the van from the whoop-de-dos that were plentiful. Apart from the shocking single lane road slowing us up, we pushed a very strong head wind that played havoc with our fuel consumption (over 25 litres/100).

Along this section we came across a couple travelling with a Jayco van. They’d lost the nuts off the rear curbside wheel on the van and as it took off, it had caused considerable damage to the body of the van and the brakes etc. They were travelling at 40 kph and making for Cape Crawford. We gave them the details of the excellent caravan parts supplier that we’d used in Darwin, so hopefully they got back on the road relatively quickly.

Undulating roads
Brunette Downs Rest Area
After travelling 404 klms today, we pulled into Brunette Downs Rest Area (#11 in Camps 5) at about 5pm and called it a day. This is a great spot with tons of room, sheltered picnic tables, fire places and drinkable water available. We had the place to ourselves and enjoyed a quiet happy hour by the camp fire, where we cooked dinner and relaxed before heading inside for the night. The wind died down overnight but it got quite cold.

The road south was bloody terrible until about 50 klms north of Barkly Roadhouse. Even though it is still a single lane, the road had recently been resurfaced from here and was much more enjoyable to travel. We stopped along the way to take in the scenery. For 360 deg, the view is dead flat and uninterrupted (except for my car and van) all the way to the horizon. The vastness of the country here is absolutely breathtaking!
Wildlife hanging in there on the windmill
Fabulous fire warmth out in
the middle of nowhere
At the Roadhouse we had a look around and grabbed a T shirt (proof of our visit!) and although we didn’t buy any, fuel was 185c/litre.

We crossed back into Queensland (the sign going into the NT is much more impressive!) and at Camooweal we got 50 litres of fuel to get us into Mt Isa. The fuel economy for the day was the worst we’ve had at 26.2L/100, courtesy of the continuing head winds. 70 klms further along we pulled into Inca Creek Rest Area (#311 in Camps 5) and set for the night. 

Billy & Jana
Once again, it seemed we would have the place to ourselves, until about sunset when a wizz-bang pulled in. The young couple came over and asked if it was ok for them to stay the night. I was baffled why they would ask and later, over a couple of cold drinks, it became apparent that during their travels, they’d been made to feel unwelcome by caravanners. Their loss I say! This was a very nice young couple and interesting to spend time with. Billy is a 23 year old chef from Switzerland and Jana, a 26 year old German hospitality worker. They had hired a, barely road worthy (in my opinion) van, which was under equipped for free camping (but they were assured by the rental company this was normal), travelled from Cairns to Darwin where they couldn’t get accommodation, and were headed back to Cairns to hand the van in early. They were quite disappointed in their travels but we assured them the east coast would be fabulous. Because they were unable to keep anything cold, a servo sandwich was on the menu for them. Vic just wouldn’t allow that, so did a loaves and fishes trick with the apricot chicken she’d prepared for us. Around an open fire after dinner, we shared coffee and each other’s company. I just hope we did enough to convince them that most of us on the road, are a far more tolerant bunch than the narrow minded pinheads they’d met earlier.
Things you see on the side of the road
It was 7 deg in the morning and another beautiful day for travelling. After exchanging details with the young travellers, we continued on toward Mt Isa where we filled the tanks, grabbed the Sunday papers and a Macca’s coffee before hitting the road again. The drive through the hills east of Mt Isa, is really interesting and the head wind through here had disappeared. Before long we had passed through Cloncurry and turned onto the Matilda Highway.

McKinlay's main tourist spot
Walkabout Creek Hotel
At about 2pm we pulled over and had some lunch and while parked here, Vic noticed water leaking from under the van. I found a hole in the filler hose, which I’d say was caused by a stone. The million dollar tape solved the problem and we drove on to McKinlay, arriving at the Walkabout Creek Hotel at 3.30pm. You cannot possibly drive past here without pulling in for a beer at this pub that featured in the Crocodile Dundee movie.

Behind the pub is a small, but very neat caravan park with drive through sites plus open areas for campers. It’s a well appointed park with spotlessly clean amenities, so we decided to pitch here for the night. After showers, we went to the bar for drinks and took in the photos and memorabilia that cover the walls. One of the great joys of travelling Oz like this is the opportunity to spend time in some of it’s iconic pubs, and while we’ve not done too much of it, we really enjoyed soaking up the atmosphere of this place.

There were a couple of jovial blokes (that we’d noticed in the caravan beside ours) at the bar, chatting to anyone. One of them was wearing a Jeep cap, so as you would expect, we got talking to them. They were mates from Adelaide, travelling around visiting mines and demonstrating a concreting system designed by the fellow without the Jeep cap. He drove a Ford Ranger and as Jeeps were 2 to 1… he became the target. We joined them for a great country pub meal after a few beers, and had a funny night with these two old mates.
Blue Heeler, Kynuna
We were in no hurry on Monday morning and got off to a late start. It was a pleasant and uneventful drive through to Kynuna where we got some photos at the Blue Heeler Hotel. Unfortunately, it was way too early for a beer (for me anyway), so we continued on to Wanora Downs Rest Area (#363 in Camps 5) for morning tea and then Morella Rest Area (#355 in Camps 5) for lunch. While pulled up here, we noticed the brake lines on the van hanging close to the ground. The nylon zip ties holding the cables in place had all disappeared somewhere along the line, so a quick fix was in order. Thankfully, all the cables were undamaged and the brakes were working just fine, so we arrived in Longreach with no dramas and settled back into the Longreach Top Tourist Park, the same park we had stayed in back in March on our north bound trip.

When we were here back then, the park had just been taken over and was being managed by a lovely young couple, Shane and Ally, who were given the job, even though they had no previous experience. They moved to Longreach from Sydney and are more than justifying the owner’s decision to give them a shot. The caravan park was pumping, and even though it’s a large park, was almost at capacity. The amenities were clean and tidy and the showers hot (my park quality gauges).
5 o'clock - Happy Hour

Shane - Longreach Tourist Park
Shane is a Jeep driver also and in March I shouted him a beer as we discussed the benefits of owning one. It had been a few months since then, and as Vic and I were setting up this time, in the late afternoon, Shane came by with 2 beers saying it was his shout. This guy is good!! If you are passing through Longreach at any stage, do yourself a favour and stay at this park… you’ll be made to feel very welcome.

We stayed 2 nights and I took the opportunity to replace all the zip ties on the brake lines, drain the water tanks and refill plus a couple of other chores which needed doing.

On Wednesday, we stopped off at the Stockman’s Hall of Fame and grabbed some souvenirs as we left town, then had coffee at the Ilfracombe Café before turning south toward Isisford. This was a good run along a single lane with no traffic.
Downtown Isisford
At Isisford, we took 5 minutes and walked both sides of the main street and took photos of the original buildings and stores. We visited the Hooper and Brockhurst store, which, along with its attached accommodation, is just as it would have been early in the 20th century (except for the steel mesh!).

I’d read about the Barcoo River Nature Park, which is on the banks of the Barcoo (Duh!) 500 metres from town, and had to have a look while we were here. This isn’t a free camp, but is as close as you can get! If you pay $2 / night ($10 / week) at the council office in town, you can set up camp anywhere you choose along this stretch of the river. I’ve gotta say… it’s the best value we discovered on the whole trip. At the river there is good potable water available from 2 spots, clean toilets (daily), dump point, bins, tons of shade, lots of space and plenty of fire wood, while a short walk away at the park in town are nice hot showers and more clean toilets. At the edge of town (1 klm away) there is even a wash down area where you can give the car and van a spruce up as well. All this plus phone and TV reception and Internet access.
Isisford camp site - fabulous spot at $10 per week
I fell in love with the place and we ended up staying 4 days, even though Vic kept reminding me that our new grandson wasn’t going to wait.

During our stay we relaxed heaps, took short drives to explore the area, walked into town a few times, tried my luck with the yabby traps, had plenty of morning teas with some of the other campers and enjoyed happy hours… great happy hours! As was the case in Darwin, we ended up being a group of 10 from various parts of the country. Our neighbours had a stockpile of firewood so each afternoon we’d sit around the campfire, telling stories and lies and having a lot of laughs as the sun went down.

Until next week… Happy travels!